How Ferretly is Changing Workplace Culture with AI-Powered Social Media Screening

In today’s world, hiring the right people goes beyond just checking resumes and conducting interviews. Companies want to make sure that new hires align with their values and won’t bring any unexpected problems. This is where Ferretly steps in. Ferretly is an AI-driven social media screening platform that helps companies take a closer look at potential employees by analyzing their online behavior.

A Mission to Improve Workplace Culture

Ferretly’s mission is clear: to strengthen workplace cultures, reduce employee turnover, and protect companies from reputational risk. Traditional background checks are great, but they don’t always give the full picture. Ferretly goes further by looking into social media posts and images to understand a person’s character and values. This deeper insight helps companies make better hiring decisions and create a safer and more positive work environment.

“Our mission is to help strengthen workplace cultures, reduce employee attrition, and mitigate reputational risk to the companies and organizations we serve.” — Ferretly

Ferretly’s New AI Features

Ferretly has introduced several new features that make social media screening even more effective. These features include enhanced image classification and an AI-powered algorithm that scans web results to highlight the most relevant information. For instance, Ferretly can now detect rude gestures, extremist symbols, and weapons in images. These capabilities provide companies with crucial insights into potential risks associated with a candidate.

“Ferretly does close and fuzzy match of post content and images to ascertain up to 14 different behaviors that could be potential red flags for new hires or current employees.” — Ferretly

Who Uses Ferretly?

Ferretly is trusted by a wide range of organizations, from professional sports teams to financial institutions. Whether it’s college athletic recruiting, vetting social media influencers, or hiring for the public sector, Ferretly helps ensure that the people joining these organizations fit the culture and won’t pose any unforeseen risks.

The Importance of Social Media Screening

Ferretly - All-in-one platform for social media screening

In the age of social media, what people post online can say a lot about their character. Ferretly helps companies avoid blindspots in their hiring processes by thoroughly analyzing social media behavior. This approach not only helps build a stronger company culture but also reduces the chances of making a bad hire.

“Social Media Screening can help brands eliminate blindspots in hiring and build a stronger, lasting company culture.” — Ferretly

AI-Powered Insights for Better Hiring

One of the standout features of Ferretly’s platform is the AI-powered flagged post summaries. By analyzing public information, Ferretly generates a summary of any flagged posts, giving hiring managers a clear overview of any potential concerns. This feature saves time and ensures that no important detail is missed.

“Ferretly leverages OpenAI’s LLM to generate a high-level summary of the subject’s flagged posts – providing deeper candidate insight.” — Ferretly

Ferretly is making it easier for companies to build better workplaces by providing deeper insights into the people they hire. With its new AI features and a mission to improve workplace culture, Ferretly is helping organizations make smarter hiring decisions that align with their values and reduce risks. In the end, this leads to a more positive and productive work environment for everyone involved.

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