Odigos Simplifies Observability: Deploy OpenTelemetry in Minutes with eBPF-based Platform

In today’s complex world of technology, understanding what’s happening inside your computer systems can be tough. That’s where Odigos comes in. Odigos is helping companies see what’s going on inside their systems by making OpenTelemetry simple and quick to use. With its special eBPF-based platform, Odigos allows businesses to set up OpenTelemetry in just minutes, no matter how big they are or how much experience they have.

Odigos is all about providing companies with Enterprise-grade OpenTelemetry,” says Ari Recht, CEO of Odigos. “We have taken a great and complex technology and automated it using our eBPF-based platform.”

What Is OpenTelemetry and Why Is It Important?

OpenTelemetry is a set of tools that helps developers collect information about how their applications are working. It can show where things might be slowing down or not working right. Before Odigos, setting up OpenTelemetry was complicated and time-consuming. It often required changing code and could slow down the system.

But with Odigos, companies can get it running fast, without changing any code or affecting performance. This means they can gain critical insights into their systems faster, improving how everything works and reducing the time things might be down.

“Odigos allows businesses to deploy OpenTelemetry in minutes,” explains Ari Recht. “This helps organizations gain critical insights into their systems faster, improving performance and reducing downtime.”

How Odigos Uses eBPF Technology

Odigos - The only solution to generateaccurate distributed tracingusing eBPF-based contextpropagation across all apps.

Odigos uses something called eBPF, which stands for Extended Berkeley Packet Filter. It’s a special technology that lets programs run inside the operating system kernel (the core part of the operating system) without slowing things down. This helps Odigos automate the implementation of distributed tracing, which means tracking how data moves through different parts of a system.

By using eBPF, Odigos can monitor data requests as they flow through a system without requiring code changes or impacting performance. This makes it much easier for developers to see what’s happening inside their applications.

A Team of Experts Leading the Way

One of the reasons Odigos is so effective is because of its expert team. Sixty percent of their engineers are OpenTelemetry maintainers, which means they help build and improve OpenTelemetry themselves. This deep knowledge allows them to create solutions that others can’t.

“Our team has deep expertise in OpenTelemetry & eBPF,” shares Ari Recht. “We are working with Fortune 500 companies and are running on thousands of applications.”

Success Stories and Growth

Odigos is already making a big impact. They are working with Fortune 500 companies and their technology is running on thousands of applications. This shows that their solutions are trusted by some of the biggest companies in the world.

To help more clients around the globe, they’ve expanded to North America and are growing their team. They recently set up a new headquarters in Boston, which is a key step in supporting their global clients more effectively.

“We recently expanded to North America and are growing our team,” says Ari Recht. “This is a key step in supporting our global clients more effectively.”

New Funding to Keep Innovating

Odigos has raised $13 million to continue developing their platform and reach more businesses. The investment round was led by Venture Guides with additional participation from Salesforce Ventures, Mango Capital, and Firestreak Ventures. Notable angel investors also joined in, including CEOs and co-founders from companies like Chronosphere, Honeycomb, and Lightstep.

Odigos supercharges any organization’s current monitoring solution by offering the only platform to provide complete observability without requiring code changes and performance overhead,” says Ari Recht.

Addressing Developers’ Challenges

Odigos - Implementation in 3 easy step

In modern applications, especially those that are distributed across many servers or services, it’s hard to track how data moves and where problems might occur. Traditional monitoring tools often require complex implementation, extensive manual effort, and can slow down the system.

Odigos solves this by providing automatic context propagation for fully accurate distributed tracing in OpenTelemetry. This allows customers to use Odigos with any observability tool they prefer.

Supported by Industry Leaders

Investors and industry leaders recognize the value Odigos brings. Mo Garad, Partner at Venture Guides and Odigos Board Member, says:

“Odigos is bringing a disruptive approach to distributed tracing by offering customers a fully automated, low overhead solution that requires no application restart.”

Founders with a Vision

Odigos was founded in 2023 by Ari Recht (CEO) and Eden Federman (CTO). Ari has over 20 years of experience in the high-tech industry, including executive and advisory roles in technology and finance. Eden is one of the leading maintainers in the eBPF and OpenTelemetry community and has over 15 years of experience in the observability space. He has developed and built monitoring systems used by organizations like the IDF, Yahoo (Verizon), and Taboola.

Making OpenTelemetry Accessible to All

By simplifying OpenTelemetry, Odigos is helping companies of all sizes get better insights into their systems. This leads to better performance and less downtime, making technology work smoothly for everyone.

Odigos believes that every company should have access to Enterprise-grade OpenTelemetry, and they’re making that possible with their innovative platform.


Odigos is changing the way companies think about observability and monitoring. By making complex technology easy to use, they’re helping businesses focus on what they do best, without worrying about what’s happening under the hood.

With a strong team, support from industry leaders, and a commitment to making technology accessible, Odigos is poised to make a big impact on how we understand and improve our systems.

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