NeoPrediX: Revolutionizing Maternal and Neonatal Care with Predictive Analytics

NeoPrediX is transforming how we care for mothers and newborns by using predictive analytics to help clinicians make proactive decisions. Instead of reacting to problems after they occur, NeoPrediX provides tools that allow healthcare providers to anticipate and prevent issues, ensuring better outcomes for both mothers and babies.

A Proactive Approach to Maternal and Neonatal Care

“Our core mission is to provide clinicians with the tools to identify patients today who are likely to face critical situations tomorrow”, says Thorsten Waloschek, CEO of NeoPrediX. This forward-thinking approach is especially vital during the first 1,000 days of life, a crucial period for a child’s development.

By focusing on early identification, NeoPrediX enables healthcare professionals to take action before problems arise, reducing the risk of complications and improving overall health outcomes.

Personalized Pharmacometrics: Individualized Care

Empowering clinical decision making for jaundice.

NeoPrediX utilizes a personalized pharmacometrics approach, delivering individualized forecasts for each patient. This method tracks the dynamic progression of specific biomarkers, not just endpoints, allowing for tailored care that meets each patient’s unique needs.

“Our predictive models deliver individualized forecasts for each patient,” Thorsten explains. This level of personalization leads to significant healthcare improvements, such as reducing the length of stay, avoiding unnecessary readmissions, and lowering healthcare costs overall.

Important Milestones and Certifications

The company’s commitment to excellence is evident through its achievements. NeoPrediX is ISO 13485 certified, FDA registered, and has obtained MDR CE certification for its first predictive algorithm focused on bilirubin prediction.

“Our cutting-edge technology is already in use in both the US and Europe,” Thorsten notes, highlighting the global impact of their solutions in delivering more precise and timely care.

Collaboration with Global Leaders

A significant milestone for NeoPrediX was graduating from the prestigious Mayo Clinic Platform Accelerate Program in 2023.

“This experience has allowed us to collaborate with global key opinion leaders on pre-eclampsia and other critical maternal and neonatal issues,” says Thorsten.

These collaborations enhance NeoPrediX’s ability to address some of the most pressing challenges in maternal and neonatal health, bringing innovative solutions to the forefront of healthcare.

Investment from Springhood Ventures

NeoPrediX recently secured an investment from Springhood Ventures, a venture capital firm dedicated exclusively to children’s health. This partnership will accelerate the development and deployment of NeoPrediX’s innovative solutions aimed at improving outcomes for newborns worldwide.

“This investment not only validates our approach but also enables us to scale our efforts and bring our solutions to the neonatal community faster,” Thorsten shares. “We are grateful for Springhood’s support and partnership as we work together to ensure that every child has the best possible start in life.”

Commitment to Underserved Populations

Next generation clinical decision support based on predictive analytics.

“Our efforts focus on supporting the most underserved population globally—pregnant women and newborns—who often have limited access to cutting-edge healthcare solutions,” Thorsten emphasizes.

By providing advanced predictive tools, NeoPrediX is making a tangible difference in communities that need it most, ensuring that quality care is accessible to all.

Vision for the Future

At the heart of NeoPrediX’s mission is the belief that predictive healthcare is essential for delivering cost-effective, proactive care today.

“By helping prevent premature births, reducing the length of hospital stays, and minimizing readmissions, we are creating a more efficient and effective healthcare system,” Thorsten explains. “Our innovative technology is a direct investment in the future of humanity.”


NeoPrediX is leading the way in transforming maternal and neonatal care through innovative predictive analytics. With a focus on proactive decision-making, personalized care, and collaboration with global leaders, they are making significant strides in improving health outcomes.

Their partnership with Springhood Ventures and commitment to underserved populations underscore their dedication to ensuring that every pregnancy is as healthy as possible and every baby has the best possible start in life.

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