Introducing Prism: The AI Calendar That Outperforms Human Scheduling

Managing a calendar can be a challenge. Whether it’s juggling meetings, rescheduling at the last minute, or finding time for important tasks, the process can be time-consuming and stressful. But now, there’s a new tool designed to make your life easier – Prism.

What is Prism?

Prism - AI Scheduling that feels like Magic

Prism is the latest offering from Clockwise, an AI-powered calendar assistant. It’s designed to be the most intelligent calendar ever, helping you schedule and manage your time with ease. Unlike traditional calendars, Prism uses advanced AI to understand what you need and find the best way to make it happen.

Why Prism Stands Out

So, what makes Prism different from other calendars? The answer lies in its ability to shortcut the manual and complex tasks that usually come with scheduling. Imagine having an executive assistant who knows your preferences and can find the perfect time for any meeting, even when your schedule looks full. That’s what Prism does.

Prism is built on Clockwise’s scheduling engine that analyzes millions of calendar events each day. This means it can find time slots that you might have missed and reschedule conflicts in a snap. All of this happens with just a few clicks or words.

Prism is also better and more efficient at scheduling than a human. What might take you several minutes to do manually, Prism can handle in just seconds. This speed and efficiency make it an invaluable tool for anyone who needs to manage a busy schedule.

How Prism Works

Prism - AI assistant for every type of Calendar

Prism combines a visual interface with a chat function, making it easy to manage your calendar. You can drag events to new times, click “reschedule,” or even ask Prism to do it for you via chat. Need to book a meeting with your CEO and VP of Marketing? Prism will handle it. Got a sick kid and need to clear your afternoon? Prism’s got you covered.

And it’s not just about rescheduling. Prism can help you find the best time for any meeting, considering the availability and preferences of everyone involved. It’s like having a smart assistant in your pocket.

Clockwise Prism has already made a significant impact: it has successfully rescheduled close to 20 million flexible meetings, ensuring that team members can better manage their time and priorities. Additionally, Prism has resolved over 4 million meeting conflicts, making it easier for teams to stay on track and avoid unnecessary delays.

AI-Powered Magic

One of the coolest things about Prism is how it uses AI. Clockwise has fine-tuned its Large Language Model (LLM) to understand your calendar requests. This means that when you type a request, Prism knows exactly what you mean and can translate it into actions.

For example, you can ask Prism to “schedule a meeting with Jason tomorrow” right from your Slack chat, and it will find the best time slot. Or, you can turn your to-do list into calendar events, making sure you always have time set aside for important tasks.

The Benefits of Prism

With Prism, you’re not just getting a calendar. You’re getting a tool that can help you save time and reduce stress. By automating the boring parts of scheduling, Prism lets you focus on what really matters – your work. And the best part? Prism is available for free to all Clockwise users.

Clockwise’s AI has also created over 6 million hours of focus time for its customers, allowing them to concentrate on high – value tasks without interruptions. This means more time to work on what’s important and less time worrying about managing your calendar.

Try Prism Today

Prism is here to make your workday easier and more productive. Whether you’re managing a busy schedule, coordinating with a team, or just trying to keep up with the demands of modern work life, Prism is the tool you’ve been waiting for. Try it out today by signing up for a free Clockwise account at

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