Cordial Systems - Run your own Digital Asset Infrastructure.

How Cordial Treasury Empowers Institutions with Self-Custody Solutions

Cordial Systems, the developer behind Cordial Treasury, offers a groundbreaking approach to self-custody solutions, providing institutions with the autonomy and resilience they need. In the rapidly evolving world of digital assets, security and control are paramount for institutional investors. By empowering clients to host all critical components locally, Cordial Treasury ensures full sovereignty and eliminates vendor risk, setting a new standard in the industry.

A Unique Approach to Self-Custody

Cordial Treasury stands out in the self-custody landscape by offering a product that allows institutions to meet regulatory obligations and maintain a high-security posture. Traditional custody solutions often involve sharing private keys, hosting security-critical processes, and running policies that dictate key use—all of which pose significant risks. Cordial Treasury shifts all these elements within the customer’s perimeter, allowing them to run critical components independently.

Sebastian Higgs, COO & Co-Founder of Cordial Systems, highlights this unique approach:

“With Cordial Treasury, our customers can independently run all critical components locally and know with certainty how their control framework works. This ensures operation resilience, business continuity, and disaster recovery planning, making it easier for risk officers and CEOs to sign off on.”

Enabling Revenue and Flexibility

Beyond solving risk issues, Cordial Treasury also enables revenue opportunities. The platform can add any blockchain in just 1-2 weeks, and with the open-sourcing of their cross-chain library, customers can now self-serve and add their own chains. This flexibility is unmatched, as no other institutional wallet can keep up with market demands like Cordial Treasury.

Sebastian Higgs further elaborates:

“Cordial Systems is proud to announce the open sourcing of our cross-chain library, a game-changing development for the crypto industry. This solves a critical problem faced by many: missed revenue opportunities due to lagging wallet support and inadequate solutions for early-stage coin investing.”

Supporting Major Blockchains and Ecosystems

Cordial Systems - Not Your Typical MPC Wallet

Cordial Treasury currently supports over 40 major blockchains, including some of the newer ecosystems gaining popularity such as BitTensor and Berachain. This extensive support is a significant advantage for institutions looking to trade exotic digital assets or participate in the latest mainnet launches.

Notable clients such as Jump Trading and Figure Markets recognize the value of Cordial Treasury’s solutions. These institutions benefit from having full control and autonomy over the technology, keeping up with market trends, and integrating new coin launches seamlessly.

A Commitment to Sovereignty

Run your own MPC wallet solution in-house.

A core principle of Cordial Systems is the concept of sovereignty. Customers must always have full control and ownership. Unlike other custody tech providers that operate as SaaS solutions, Cordial Systems disintermediates itself wherever possible. Customers can host all components of the product, self-serve their teams, and add any blockchain they need.

This approach is fundamentally different from competitors, who often require customers to take a leap of faith regarding the product’s operation. By giving customers read-only access to the source code, Cordial Treasury removes vendor risk and provides transparency.

Open-Sourcing for Greater Control

The open-sourcing of Cordial Systems’ cross-chain library is a testament to their commitment to client empowerment. Institutional traders can now independently add blockchains and assets they need, creating their own multi-chain wallets without relying on subpar workaround solutions. This development enables new revenue opportunities and supports the growth of blockchain ecosystems.

In conclusion, Cordial Treasury’s innovative self-custody solution offers institutions unparalleled security, control, and flexibility. By empowering customers with full sovereignty and transparent operations, Cordial Systems is setting a new benchmark in the digital asset custody industry.

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