Alongside - Immediate mental health relief. Every student, every time.

Alongside Data Reveals Key Factors in Youth Mental Health

In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, Alongside, a clinician-powered and AI-enabled mental health app for middle and high school students, has released its first annual Pulling Back the Curtain on Youth Mental Health Report. This inaugural report sheds light on critical factors contributing to the current teen mental health crisis, as reflected in the app’s user data.

Unveiling Teen Mental Health Challenges

Dr. Elsa Friis, Head of Mental Health at Alongside.

The report leverages anonymized data from over 30,000 confidential sessions held by teens on the AI-powered app during the 2023-24 school year. One of the most striking findings is that 36% of sessions focused on students wanting to process their feelings and feel heard, which was more prevalent than other session purposes like building a skill or seeking advice.

“Today’s teens face an ever-evolving societal and technological landscape that generates significant stress and anxiety. Our findings indicate that teens value a safe space to explore and process their emotions without judgment.”

Dr. Elsa Friis, Head of Mental Health at Alongside.

Key Issues Affecting Teens

Interpersonal Relationships emerged as the most discussed topic on the app, with teens seeking support for relationships 40% of the time. This was followed by school-related issues and self-identity. The report highlights:

  • Friendships were the primary concern for 5th to 8th graders.
  • Romantic relationships were the focus for most high schoolers, except 11th graders, who prioritized schoolwork and grades.
  • Lack of motivation due to feeling overwhelmed was a common school-related challenge.

Interestingly, students did not frequently mention the role of social media, suggesting they do not distinguish between online and offline interactions when considering their emotional impacts.

Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing

The report reveals that many students are not meeting guidelines for mental wellbeing. For instance, 53.5% of students using the app reported sleeping less than eight hours per night, below CDC recommendations. Additionally, most students described their diet as ‘somewhat’ healthy (68%) or ‘not so healthy’ (18.7%), and many were not engaging in the recommended amount of daily exercise.

Alongside - Help comes in many forms

Confidential and Convenient Help

Confidentiality and ease of access are critical for teens seeking help. On the Alongside app, teens consistently reported that the ability to get help in a private space was paramount. 37% of students chose to share their chat conversations with their school mental health professional or counselor, highlighting how Alongside supports school counselors in providing better care.

Impact and Future Directions

Jay Goyal, Founder & CEO of Alongside

“Our hope for this inaugural report is to help teachers, parents, counselors, and school leaders better understand what today’s teens are experiencing. By understanding their perspectives, we can develop solutions that meet their preferences and alleviate the burden on mental health professionals.”

Jay Goyal, Founder & CEO of Alongside

About Alongside

Alongside Banner - Immediate mental health relief. Every student, every time.

Alongside is a mental health app that provides personalized prevention and early intervention to secondary school students. Founded in April 2022, Alongside aims to address the youth mental health crisis by offering immediate relief through its chatbot and in-app resources, informed by evidence-based clinical models. The app is designed to support students in building skills and solving problems, with severe issues escalated to counselors and staff when necessary.

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